Nochino Digital Apps

Smoker Reducer Quit Smoking 1.7
Quit smoking cigarettes slowly, over a periodof time. Use the system that weans you OFF cigarettes.Smoker Reducer can help, and it's completely free, for now.Cigarettes may have a stranglehold on you. They may be slowlydraining your wallet, choking your lungs, and quite literally,ruining your life.Let Smoker Reducer be your helping hand in the fight to quitsmoking.***EXCLUDE FROM TASK KILLERS AND RESTART IF YOU HAVEISSUES!***HOW SMOKER REDUCER HELPS YOU QUIT SMOKING CIGARETTES:- Provides a daily scheduler with reminders of when tosmoke.- Real-time countdown until your next cigarette.- Starts you off with your current habits.- Gradually increases the interval between your cigarettes eachday.and/or- Decreases your daily cigarette allowance depending on thelength of your waking hours.- Customizable schedules. You choose when to begin each day.- Before starting, you can change your "First Cigarette" timeand "Bed Time."EXCLUSIVE SMOKER REDUCER FEATURE:- "Bank" a cigarette if you can't smoke, save it for anytime laterin the day!- See your lungs get better over time!*SMOKER REDUCER EXTRAS:- Daily Updates for Electronic Cigarette coupons!- Compare your current habits with your original habits.- See how much money you spend, and, if you continue using theschedule, how much you can save.- Earn achievements along the way.- Post your achievements to Facebook and get family and friendsto support you!****If you experience difficulties, re-install and REMOVE FROMTASK KILLERS before starting the program again!****Read more about the system at:www.smokerreducerandroidapp.comSmoker Reducer Permissions:- Internet access : Ads.- Access Network State : Ads.- Storage : Saves user preferences- Phone calls : Gets User Location- Boot at startup : Sets your alarms.- You can kill the app once your phone boots!- Modify SD card : Creates error report if crashing.In order to quit smoking cigarettes, it is often necessary tobreak both a physiological and psycological addiction. The successrate of those who quit smoking against those who could not kick thehabit isn't in your favor.